It doesn’t matter how darling your space is if people can’t sleep. If they can’t sleep there, they won’t stay there, and if they do stay there, they certainly won’t come back. And in a worst-case scenario, one bad night turns into a bad review that nukes your whole business.
The Best Bed for Airbnb is not too soft, and not too firm.
It’s not just Goldilocks who’s looking for a bed that’s just right. It turns out that some people like really soft beds and some people like firm beds. But beware, if you try to take care of one customer the other will hate you. Your best bet is to find a bed that takes care of everyone. Ideally, you want to find a bed that between 4 and 7 on the firmness scale.
The Best Bed will stand the test of time.
Durability matters, especially in the hospitality industry. You may not book your space every single night, but you want your bed to be as comfortable on night 300 as it is on the first night. Some owners buy the cheapest bed they can and then replace them yearly. This is bad for two reasons. First, the cost really starts to add up. Second, a bad bed makes for a grumpy reviewer. We recommend finding a good bed with a strong warranty, so if anything on the bed fails, it doesn’t fail your pocketbook.
Think about what you can’t see.
Some guests will leave luggage behind or toothbrushes, every other guest will leave their phone charger. But all of them will leave behind germs, bacteria, and dust. Make sure you get several mattress covers that can be washed regularly and replaced often. If you really care about your guests, look for a mattress with antimicrobial features to kill anything that wasn’t caught by the mattress covers.
Consider price and value.
Affordable doesn’t have to be cheap, and luxury doesn’t have to be expensive. Logic holds that the more people that can sleep in your short-term rental, the more you’ll be able to charge your guests. But if any of the guests have a less-than-optimal experience, you are likely to hear about it. Or worse, you will find out about it later in your reviews. If you are spending anything less than $500 on your mattress, you will probably pay for it later in customer satisfaction. if you are paying much more than $1000 for a queen sized bed, then you might not make that investment back very easily. Shop around, and find someone that can reliably provide a mattress at an affordable rate.
Don’t forget the sheets.
Cheap sheets can make a guest’s whole experience feel cheap. But expensive sheets can break the bank. You want the best bed for Airbnb, but a bed is not made by mattress alone. We recommend looking for 100% Pima cotton sheets, sometimes labeled “Supima”. This cotton is softer and more durable than regular cotton without the added expense of Egyptian cotton. Usually, 3 sets of sheets for each bed is standard. One set on the bed, one set on deck, and one set to be washed.

Lastly, let me tell you about Layla.
There are a lot of fine mattress manufacturers out there, but we think we make a mighty fine bed. In fact, we think it is the best bed for Airbnb hosts. at $899 our queen-sized mattress is affordable without skimping on materials. Our copper infused memory foam helps keep the bed cool and it’s is full of amazing antimicrobial features, making it one of the cleanest options available.
Perhaps the most important reason why you should consider a Layla is that offer a LIFETIME WARRANTY on all materials and workmanship. We charge enough to make them right and stand behind every bed we sell. We will ship them directly to your location for FREE anywhere in the lower 48 states (and for a slight charge to Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada).
While you are at it, we also make pillows, foundations, and bed frames too.