Layla Sleep’s® Flippable Mattress
With a firm and soft side, Layla gives you options.

Flippable Firmness™ by Layla Sleep
The Layla® Mattress comes out of the box with two built-in comfort levels. We call it
flippable firmness™, and it’s two chances to make your new memory foam mattress work
for you. You never have to choose between a firm or soft mattress again. The soft side of
Layla® has a firmness level of about 4 out of 10, and the firm side is a 7 out of 10. On the soft
side you’ll get a lush and huggy feel that cradles you while you sleep. Too plush? Just flip
your Layla® Mattress over to the firm side for more support.
flippable firmness™, and it’s two chances to make your new memory foam mattress work
for you. You never have to choose between a firm or soft mattress again. The soft side of
Layla® has a firmness level of about 4 out of 10, and the firm side is a 7 out of 10. On the soft
side you’ll get a lush and huggy feel that cradles you while you sleep. Too plush? Just flip
your Layla® Mattress over to the firm side for more support.
*valid for customers who qualify
See why customers love the Layla® Mattress